Wednesday 18 March 2009

Common mistakes in English by the French

I regurlarly receive emails from students that are sometimes confusing. Here are a few examples of mistakes in English often made by French learners.

1. "Next Saturday". Today is Wednesday 18th so when is next Saturday? The answer is Saturday the 28th. Saturday 21st would normally be referred to as this Saturday.

2. There are only 7 days in a week. To my knowledge, there is no such day as "Thuesday". Perhaps you mean Tuesday or Thursday? Almost every week I get a Thuesday reservation and have to write back for more information.

3. Further to point 2 the days of the week in English have capital letters. So it's Tuesday and not tuesday so do months and adjectives of countries.

4. We do not use "normally" to talk about future events. Normally has a similar meaning to usually. So do not say "normally I will be there next Wednesday". Say "I should be able to be there next Wednesday"

5. Similarly we do not use "could" to talk able future ability. Do not say "I don't think I could come tomorrow" do say "I think I will be able to come tomorrow".

6. The word assist in English is not the same as assister in French. They are false friends. Do not say "I will assist at the class". Do say "I wil attend the class". The English word "assist means to help.

7. The preposition "to" is used to talk about going to destinations. Do say "next week I will go to London" (not in London).

There are many, many more such cases but that's the end of today's lesson.

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