Monday 22 December 2008

Recipe for flapjacks

Thank you to everyone who came to the LetThemTalk end of year party on Saturday. I hope you enjoyed it and best wishes to everyone for the holiday season and the New Year.

I was asked at the party for a recipe for flapjacks. If you’re unfamiliar with flapjacks they are a delicious crunchy tray baked cake very popular in Britain. Here is the recipe I use which is based on one by Delia Smith.

For about 10 flapjacks


110 g soft brown sugar
110 g butter or margarine
1 rounded dessertspoon golden syrup (if you can’t find golden syrup use honey)
175 g oats
¾ teaspoon ground ginger

Pre-heat the oven to 150°C.

You will also need an 18 or 20 cm square baking tin at least 4 cm deep, lightly greased.

Place the sugar butter and golden syrup, together in a pan and heat to it gently; so that the butter melts stirring the mixture from time to time. Take the pan off the heat and mix in the oats and the ginger. Now pour the mixture into the tin and spread it out evenly, Bake for 40-45 minutes. Then allow them to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before cutting it into oblong bars. Leave them in the tin until quite cold before removing them. Store them in a tin.

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